Monday, May 13, 2013

Welcome to my micro homestead

I'm always crazy interested in many things. Today's flavor is homesteading. Well, since I don't have any land to speak of, and I barely have room in my condo, I have to do what I can. I've caught the fever of homesteading and I'm running with it. See what I do to make my condo my micro homestead.

I've read a few blogs and have seen some online magazines speak of pallet gardening. Well, of course I'm completely interested in this since I have limited space. So my husband found a pallet for me and sealed the back so I could fill it with dirt. I have some seedlings that I'm nurturing and hoping that they'll mature into small plants that I can put in my pallet. I've used this site for inspiration: . There are many more places for ideas, but this will give you a good picture.  We have not followed it to a "t" so we will see how it holds up. Especially year to year. Websites give you great ideas but rarely do they share how things pan out in the long run. I can share my hits and misses with this since I really don't have a green thumb. This will be fun :).

My pallet:

Here are my seedlings freshly planted (egg shell idea taken from pinterst):
Here are my seedlings (the ones that are growing) today. The tall ones are peas:

My dad gave me some of his seedlings, basil, in the "terrarium" next to the peas. I LOVE basil so I will do everything in my power to get these things to GROW! I put a clear take-out container to help with the process since my dad says basil loves heat and sunlight. Because I don't have a professional heating pad to help them stay warm or serious planting lights, this planter will assist in keeping the heat in. Luckily I have great sun coming in from the east which is where this window faces. It's great in the mornings, anyway.

I also have larger pots in the back that I will take pictures of once it starts getting warmer. It's too cold today. Hopefully this will be the last freeze of spring. I'm crossing my fingers. But in the meantime, I have the grill cover covering the planters outside! I can't see that working. Wish me luck. Lol.

I'm not afraid of trying anything. I'm certainly not afraid to fail (unless it's scuba diving. Failure is not an option!). If this all fails then you (and I) will have a good laugh. If this doesn't fail, then we'll have some awesome herbs all summer! Woo hoo!

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